Saturday 12 January 2013

Fantasy Military RP

The Roleplay

Welcome to Arcana Academy, an RP involving a set universe with various players in a military college setting. Yes, it?s cheesy and kind of over played in a way, however give it a try, you?ll like it.

The game will follow the exploits of a platoon of students at the Empires most prestigious military academy. Don?t get me wrong, very, very little will actually happen in the classes, as with most shows, but there will be plenty going on. This game will follow a group of mixed students, the majority of which will be from the first year classes with only a very limited number of players being of the senior classes.

Also this is played in an alternate world, though the geography of Earth applies, where magical energies not only exist but are used in tandem with technology. Read below if interested for more details on the universe and the school. Satisfaction is extremely likely!

The Story

You?ve just be accepted to the most prestigious academy in the entire Empire! Yay! Your family will be so proud! Whether you come from a poor farming village or are the spawn of past emperors you destiny is no longer bound to your past but now only to you! Here you will advance, here you will discover your power, and here you will become the best in the Empire.

But, when not even a year into the Academy the Empire is turned upside down how will you react, when presented at a chance for absolute power, a chance at glory what will you do? How will you act? Will you rise? Will you Fall?

This game will have an overarching plot however it will have space for character driven subplots and I extremely encourage such! Now, let?s play!

Character Reservations

Here is a list of character ranks and placements that can be reserved; however more characters can be accepted if more apply. Reservations will be taken via PM ONLY. Reservations will be held for 48 hours initially after confirmation from a GM, however extensions can be requested.

(Please look at taking one of these before attempting to take a higher rank character)
*First Platoon, Second Squad
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open
*Second Platoon, Third Squad
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open

*First Platoon
1. Open
2. Open
*Second Platoon
1. Open
2. Open

*First Company
1. Open
2. Open

Character Skeleton

Code: Select all
[size=250][font=Algerian][u]Character Name[/u][/font][/size]


[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (16-19 Only!)

[size=150][b]Student File[/b][/size]

[b]Alignment:[/b] (Guardian or Magus, [u]NO OTHERS![u])
[b]Rank:[/b] (Contact a GM for this, most players [u]WILL[/u] be Cadet)
[b]Class:[/b] (Again, Contact a GM for this, most will be around D Class)
[b]Year:[/b] (Once more, Contact a GM, most will be Freshmen)

[size=125][b]Physical Description[/b][/size]
Here insert a description of your player; include their physique, their appearance, their preferred clothing when not in uniform, and any other interesting information

[img]Here you can put an Anime (Please) Picture of your character, not required but encouraged[/img]


[b]Alignment Ability:[/b] (Here wither Burst of Sight with a specification like Burst-Strength of Sight-Counter)

[b]First Ability:[/b] (Revere to the Specials example list below in the Lore Section, Ask a GM how many Special?s you get)
[b]Second Ability:[/b] (You will develop more as you go along, but most first years only have one)
[b]Third Ability:[/b]

(Now put a brief list of your abilities such as basic spells and prior training one might have gained. Most come to the school with at least a basic list of spells and have had some martial training, this isn?t your average school after all.)


(Remember that you are now a member of the military and will have been granted standard issue weapons from the armory, however some, [u]some[/u], will have heirloom items. Also this is where one can show off what your character will be using.)


(Just some suggestions would be your family history, please don?t be some bastard son of the current emperor too many nobles will spoil the pot in this case, and past schooling with your abilities.)


(Anything that you don?t think will fit elsewhere you can put here, whatever it might be)




Arcana Academy System

Within the Empire students, regardless of family rank or economic position, are placed in schools across the country and are generally educated until age 16, when they graduate from the last grade of public schooling and are either off to work, trade school, or an Imperial Academy. While the trade schools are more academic Academies are all based upon the Imperial Military, with a rank system and year structure. All students, regardless of ability or test scores, enter the college with a rank of Cadet; but following the first midterm of their freshmen year students are able to obtain higher ranks regardless of year or time spent at the academy, the reverse is also true as not all upperclassmen are necessarily higher ranked. Still, with a class advancement rate of only 25% (only a quarter of the freshman class will make it to their sophomore year) seniors often sustain the highest ranks. A Cadet may rank up either through merits, or through an Advancement Challenge in which the Cadet attempts to take the position and rank of another student. However the inverse again is true, should a student received demerits or lose a challenge they issued they will be demoted.

Along with the Rank structure of Cadet to General the school also uses a system of class values assigned to a student at each major test, A through E. These scores are seen as a rough average of a students expected potential, and while an E class student has the ability to beat an A class it is highly unlikely. Classes can also be exchanged through the challenge system. It is worth noting there does exist an S class; however it is extraordinarily rare for this class to be granted to more than one student, that one being the top student in the school, also called the High Marshal.

Upon Entry students are placed in a squad and platoon of which they will remain in for their entire career, unless they successfully challenge another member of another squad at which point they will switch platoons, these assignments are not based upon year or class but solely on rank and the needs of the platoons for members. Each platoon had three squads, each squad has five members and one sergeant, and there are three platoons to each of one of the four companies. In the long history of the school there have only ever been three company commanders who were not seniors and/or of class A or above.

The Forms of Humanity

There are two breeds, or Alignments, of humans that populate Earth; the Guardians and the Magus.

Guardians are more physical and actually absorb the magic form the air from birth and channel it into their muscles and organs. Guardians are stronger and faster than a Magus, able to master complex muscle functions and have advanced reflexes making them the perfect frontline soldiers. Their mental capacity is not necessarily below the average of a Magus however their ability to channel their auras to manipulate the mana in the air generals is a degree lower. This may be due to their genetic structure or the very shape of their brains, different studies have different theories, however the general rule of thumb is simple; a Guardian is extremely strong and extremely fast, yet they can almost never match a Magus of their level in a battle of magic. Guardians are marked by their unique ability to use what is called Burst, a sudden release of stored mana from their core to their extremities allowing them to increase either their speed, strength, senses, or in incredibly rare cases their aura (allowing a guardian to equal and often surpass a Magus in magic for a short amount of time) by leaps and bound yet only for a very short time. This Burst does put a huge strain on the body and cannot be used in quick succession without serious damage to the guardian.

Magus are the opposite of Guardian?s in that when they are born their bodies have not absorbed the mana into their muscles but rather developed a much stronger affiliation with their own aura?s and the magic of the world around them. While a Guardian is extremely strong in comparison to your average Magus a magus can excel at magic in a way an average Guardian cannot. Heir Aura?s are far, far larger than a Guardian?s intending well beyond their bodies and permitting them the ability to draw the advanced seals with their auras that the more powerful and advanced spells require. As a counter to the general conception of a guardian a Magus cannot hope to match a Guardian in a battle of strength or physical prowess, though their magic is another story. The Magus are marked primarily by an ability known as Sight, which has two stages; the first being a passive ability to see auras when they concentrate on such, and the second being the ability to locate where mana is pooling in an opponent?s actual body so as to determine their weakest points or see how to counter or reverse an incoming spell. However, like Burst this ability is a double edged sword, costing those who use the actual active ability their sight for a short amount of time.


Aside from Alignments all students at Arcana Academy have had prior training to some extent that is simply the nature of the school. These students have undoubtedly specialized in something, be it swordsmanship, gun play, or a special school of magic or exotic weapon. The specializations are various and every now and then a new one will pop up. But for most Guardians they are things like speed with a blade, using a light sword with extreme finesse. Some have incredible reflexes and hand eye coordination from training with pistols or rifles. Still others are specialized in brute force.

Magus have it a bit more varied and complex, as for them their Specializations are basically schools of magic or chains of study. For example a fairly standard spec for a Magus would be a fire user who while gaining a bonus to all fire type spells would lose power when having to use other elements. There are also things such as body specs which are good for Magus who focus on healing and cleansing. There are far more schools than those listed but these points are just a footprint.

Also most students have Abilities or Special Skills in the form of specified techniques unique to them, or a spell list that while basic they have trained to perfection, making their ability in those strikes or spells greater than their other skills. (Basically these are your combo list, that simple enough?)As students gain experience in classes they will undoubtedly develop further skills. These techniques are often combinations of several kinds of attack, for example some swordsman use magic to give their blades some extra kick like coating them in flames or making the blade vanish when swung and attack form behind instead. Be creative but remember to be reasonable, these aren?t broad styles but rather specific abilities.

(Beyond this point is more or less just the overall lore and actual science of both the tech, the magic, and how they work together and is not necessary to know for creating your character, if you feel you have enough information to generate a character, and your tired of reading this all, then by all means skip forward to the rules and make a character! I look forward to seeing what you all create.)

The Universe

The World

The World of science and reason as we know it never existed, save for geographically, and in its place the Earth permeated with the magic of legend and myth is a familiar yet alien world where our story takes place. The World evolved with this mana flowing in the atmosphere, as did the creatures in it, creating new forms unfamiliar in our world. Life thrived and civilization was born, humanity evolving and growing guided perhaps by some divine hand or perhaps simply by nature. We, however, are not here to debate such. After nearly Fifty thousand years mankind has reached a new peak of technology and magic in the year 2035 (the calendars are identical for ease of use).

Humanity, exposed as they grew to both the dangers of the wildlife of Earth and those posed by one another and drenched from the time of conception in the aura of man that flowed through the planet, evolved along two separate yet equal paths. While every human eventually gained the ability to interact with the magic in the air and earth to some extent about half the population became more and more attuned to this mysterious force and the powers of the mind it held, while the other half remained rooted to the Earth and the more physical world. Those how could interact with the magic around them became known as Magus while those who remained tied to the physical became known as Guardians, purely slang terms of course, neither is more Human than the other.

The Empire

Founded over fifteen centuries ago the Caspian Empire has ruled the southern reaches of Europe since its first Emperor Caspian the Magnificent conquered the warring states around the Straits of Gibraltar (yes, we are going to us modern terminology for geographic locations for easy reference, deal with it) and established a lasting system in which both Magus and Guardians of all ethnicities could coexist. The empire stretches from the northern shores of the Celtic Sea to the Atlas Mountains in the south, with the primary cities being grouped on the Spanish Peninsula and the Eastern border stretching to the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Unlike other states that have withered under poor management form progressive bloodlines the Caspian Empire has never had a clear line of succession. The Emperor, while the head of state and a powerful figure in government, is never of a specific family but rather the heir is determined on merit from those found to be worthy through the specialized and prestigious school system the Empire over. This also applies to the all other positions of any note in the government as well as all commissioned officers of the imperial military, the highest being the Imperial Marshal who reports only to the Emperor himself. Gender, race, ethnicity, class, and even citizenry have no bearing on these selections, only merit determines a candidate?s worth. However the selection for emperor or empress as well as that for the Imperial Marshal is slightly different, coming in the form of a competition amongst the students of the top schools to determine who is worthy of being nominated for selection.

The Imperial City is the Capitol of this mighty empire, a technological center where magic and science coexist for the betterment of all. With tall gleaming buildings all placed at the shore between the ocean and a tall Mountain called the Throne of Caspian this city is often heralded as one of the most picturesque places in the world.

The Imperial palace was built by Caspian?s successor Kalian upon the mount where Caspian first gathered the lords of the lands he?d conquered to officially create the nation, a mountain called Caspian?s Throne. The Imperial Palace also plays host to the Parliament, a body of elected officials from the empire who argue the various needs of the people, though the Imperial Officials and the Emperor wield the real power in the country. A fortress of unprecedented security and beauty the Palace is an architectural marvel and has inspired many of the nation?s finest institutions for centuries including Arcana Academy.

Magic, Mana, and Auras

It?s hard to place exactly what magic is, or where it came from, especially since it predates any human or written history of the world. Only the most learned of magical scholars understand the intricacies of the mana particles which flow like wind around the planet, filling the air in a quantum phase of both being and non being, though none really know the original source of this strange energy. Mana is as ever present as oxygen but certain places have a higher concentration and several large flows of mana circumvent the globe, much like jet streams. Called Mana Floods these constant moving streams of magical energy create areas call Hyper-Zones where mana is plentiful and extremely easy to manipulate. On the other side of this same coin are areas called Nul-Zones where little to no mana exists, these places are few and far between and are only made by extreme trauma and forbidden rituals. These Nul-Zones are easy to spot as mana has become a near essential part of life on Earth and almost nothing can grow at these places leaving nothing but a patch of scared and broken Earth in their place.

Auras are a projection of the polarized mana that resides in one?s body. This mana is different from the mana in the outside air as it can be manipulated and is connected through some form of quantum entanglement with the owner from which the aura mana originates. This mana forms an outer cloud around the person which can be controlled by said person. This Mana is polarized and can thusly interact with other non-polarized mana particles to generate a physical form of power called magic. This power fuels all forms of spell craft, and while uncharged mana is mundane and does not interact with the physical world charged mana is a much different beast, altering the laws of physics depending on the charge and formation of the particles. The Aura is used to manipulate this charge and is the actual tool necessary for a person to interact with the mana in the air. Aura size is not determined at birth, and with training and practice one can learn to absorb more power from their air around them. Through constant meditation a person can increase their aura size; however there is a point at which a body has reached its maximum saturation and can no longer absorb mana to increase their potential.

Spell craft, also called Magic, comes from the interaction of charged mana form a person?s Aura and neutral mana in the air. Depending on the charge and the structure of the reaction mana can be made to react in many different ways. These structures come in the forms of spells, and while most basic magic doesn?t require more than a gathering point and an objective or destination more advanced spells demand a far greater degree of direction. A spell can be either verbal or physical, often seen in the form of seals or formulas created by the charged particles of one?s aura. These seals are visible dues to the concentration of magic where they are gathered and formed into a lattice. Spells verbally generated use a similar process but are formed more within the body of the subject and use the vibrations of the voice box as its lattice and guides. Finally there are the most advanced spells needing both the direct structure of a seal and the vibrational catalyst of a spoken incantation, these spells are extremely complex and powerful however take longer to complete.

Still in truth all spells can use both seals and incantations to be learned for beginners as using both gives a much higher degree of success that normally is much harder to achieve with a new spell. Guardians primarily stick to internal magic that amplify their physical prowess as well as projectile spells that are simple and effective with the only real seal spell work used being primarily defensive wards and shield spells while Magus are able to far more on a general basis such as advanced multistage projectile spells, reality manipulation, and transfigurations. However spell work requires one to expend their aura?s energy to act as a catalyst thus limiting how much magic a person can actually preform let alone master. When a person runs out of aura they must either rest to regenerate it or risk losing parts of their aura forever. Should one continue to expel their aura after reaching their physical limit they will suffer organ failure, as stated all life on Earth has evolved with mana and thus requires it to live just as most require oxygen.


The Empire, as all expansive nations, has a long history drenched in bloodshed. War has broken out here countless times driving progress ever onward. Humanity; never satisfied with the simple and pure power of magic, created machines to improve their lives. Necessity is the mother of invention and there was plenty of necessity. In recent years artificial intelligence and computer technology has advanced by leaps and bound, not flowing against mana but alongside it. Now many machines have begun to use artificial aura systems for power, drawing their power from the Earth?s lateen energies. Flying machines and trains which can ride rails of magical seals are a common sight in the Empire. Though gunpowder still dominates the weapons market bullets have fused with magic, some capable of casting spells on impact while others alter from metal to energy in midair. All in all the world has advanced however retains a reverence for the past.

The Academy

The Founding

Arcana Academy was founded in 476 by Halkon III, a woman who masqueraded as a man in order to claim the title of Emperor, effectively becoming the first Empress at a time when women were forbidden from becoming such. Halkon, after revealing her trickery, was forced to defeat the Imperial Marshal at the time Arcana to cement her power base, however in a twist of fate the two fell for one another on the battlefield. This battle took place just to the north of the Imperial City, at a place that was naturally covered in beautiful blossoming trees. It was here that the two star crossed lovers met on the field of battle, and it was here that Empress Halkon tragically killed her suitor.

The young Empress was unaware that the mountain where their battle took place was in the path of a powerful Mana Flood, amplifying her power beyond that which she had intended to use, and when this flood suddenly rushed over her and Lord Arcana the mighty spell she had intended to use to make him submit was supercharged. Arcana, while a mighty Guardian of extreme power and skill, was caught off guard and fell before her power. It is said it was only after this display of power, supposedly the cause of the missing top of the adjacent mountain, that her right to rule was affirmed.

To atone for her mistake and to honor her loves memory Halkon established the Arcana academy upon the very spot of their battle, intending for it to become the nation?s foremost military academy which would provide the rulers who would guide the Empire down to a brighter future. The Academy became just that.

Campus Life

Arcana Academy was built upon the top of a wide based mountain to the northwest of the Capitol City. Every morning the gleaming city twenty five miles away shines bright in the rising sun, clearly visible from the forward courtyard of the school. Built originally with a single building as a school for nobles the opulent grounds have expanded over the years. The school started with only the main buildings upper floors for dormitories, meant to house only a very select number of students, yet as the years have gone by and the Empire has grown so has the school adding several large dormitories and training fields along with expanding the campus and class buildings to accommodate the increased number of students.

There are currently four circular dormitory buildings located at the boundaries of the main field; every company has a dorm in which its members regardless of gender are housed. Each structure has seven floors, the first being housing the mess hall, and utility facilities such as a laundry room and medical area with the second containing leisure facilities all located around a central atrium that extend all throughout the entire building. The upper floors house different year and ranks of students. All Cadets are on the third floor, where they share a room with another cadet and have two segregated baths at various locations around the deck, this floor is typically only occupied by freshman. The next two floors up have individual rooms with several bathrooms; however these two floors are not segregated in any way while the first dorm floor is split down the middle by gender. The next few floors have increasing room size with the final floor only have three suites on it, reserved for the Company commander and staff. These ever increasing accommodations drive the students to succeed in competition.

Most days involve morning physical training followed by breakfast, morning classes, lunch, one after noon class and training the rest of the school day, following that students are allowed off campus until the evening. School lets out at noon on Saturdays, allowing students to head into the near-by suburban town at the foot of the mountain, classes don?t? meet on Sundays. Some students use free time to study or train, while others have part-time jobs to cover living costs, however free time is not necessarily the right word since all cadets are technically military personnel and due to the constant state of war at the borders of the nation the cadets are needed to patrol the capitol at times.

The school is first and foremost a military academy and while on school grounds all students are expected to be in uniform, though the dress code is more lack on weekends and in the dorms by practice. The squad system is used for students in all extra training and performance reviews; however classes are taught based on grade level, with the alignments being set apart for specialized training and detailed classes; Guardians with Guardians and Magus with Magus with certain classes like Advanced Combat Skills and Magic.


don draper gallagher madmen james cameron liam hemsworth miss canada justin bieber boyfriend

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