Thursday 24 January 2013

4 Steps to Succeed In The Retail Business | Amy's Designs

Are you looking at that?Florida retail space? If you?re thinking about starting a retail business, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics ?first. It?s not enough that you have the money or you have a great idea. To succeed in the industry, you need to follow a simple formula that will help you pick up sales and repeat customers. Take the time to read this article; for 10 minutes, it can save you time, money and effort when running your store.

4 Steps To Be A Retail Superstar:

  1. Personalized Service: Always treat each customer as if he or she is royalty. Train your staff to always smile and be polite. Familiarize the names of your customers and keep tabs on their particular interests. On their next visit, you can call them each by name and offer them new stocks you think they would love. This will make your customer feel special and important. Small gestures like this will make them want to come back for more helpings.?
  2. Keep it hip: Keep your store hip and upbeat. Everyone wants to be seen shopping at the ?Go To? store in the mall. If you?re not very confident about your taste in decor or on the products you pick, you can hire someone who does. A fashion consultant will help you pick the right styles to appeal to your target market. Reading and research will also help you big time. If you are selling clothes, subscribe to a popular fashion magazine and review the pictures. It will give you a good idea where the trend is heading to next. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next big thing!
  3. Location: No matter how nice your items are or how much you?ve labored on your store display, it?s not going to matter much if nobody sees it. Location is key in the retail industry. Whether it?s a Florida?retail space or one that?s in New York, it has to be visible and accessible to your target market. Take the time to study the foot traffic and flow. People can hardly say ?No? to a must-have item that?s only 3 feet away!
  4. Know your product: Most customers know what they want. They probably Googled it before they even stopped to check it out?on your store. Before you display a new product, take the time to brief your sales clerks about how the item works and what the features are. This is important because customers are going to want to know.

Impressing your customer with these neat tricks will lure them in one day at a time. Next thing you?ll know, you might just be opening another new store to accommodate everyone! Best of luck!


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