Thursday 18 October 2012

HHS Announces Winners of Two EHR-Related Challenges | News ...

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) at the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently selected the winners of the Blue Button Mash Up Challenge and the Electronic Health Records (EHR) Accessibility Module Challenge. The winners, which were announced during the Health 2.0 6th Annual Fall Conference in San Francisco, are new tools to help patients better manage and access information in their EHRs.?

The Blue Button challenge was intended to build on a prior challenge to make personal health information more usable and meaningful for the individual consumer or patient. The winner, iBlueButton, submitted by Humetrix of San Diego, is described as a dual-application system designed to provide an intuitive, patient-centered, secure two-way mobile solution where patients can connect to their Blue Button and other health records. iBlueButton features include patient- and physician-optimized displays and dashboards, medication look-up, and new tools to download or print health information. As the challenge winner, Humetrix reportedly received $45,000, while the second place finisher, Intelligent Decisions, received $20,000, and Get Real Consulting, the third place team, received $10,000.?

For the EHR Accessibility Module Challenge, participants were asked to create and test a module or application that makes it easier for disabled individuals to access and interact with the health data stored in their EHRs. Pinaxis reportedly won the challenge with its creation Apollo, described as a fully accessible Internet portal that could allow patients to interact with any provider?s existing EMR system over the Internet. Pinaxis was awarded $60,000, and the two runner-up teams, RegisterPatient and Remedy Systems, each received $5,000.?

The challenges are reportedly part of ONC?s Investing in Innovation program, designed to use prizes and challenges to inspire innovation and obtain solutions to intractable health IT problems. A full list of winners is available here.?

Source: United States Department of Health and Human Services



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