Wednesday 5 October 2011

High Aspirations: Charity of the Month: The Leukemia and ...

I must be honest, the first time I heard of this group was this year.? As it turns out, Rush Limbaugh does a radio-a-thon to raise money for this organization.? I don't know how much he raises every year, but this year I believe it was close to $750,000.? He himself donated $500,000 (if I remember correctly.? Which I may not, but it was close to that).

This charity has done a lot of great work over the last six decades.? Back in the '50s, and even the '80s, if you got diagnosed with a blood cancer, you were essentially given a few months or a few years to put your affairs in order.? But because of all of the research that LLS has been able to help fund, blood cancers are no longer a death sentence.? They've been able to fund some of the greatest advancements in cancer treatment, not just for blood cancers, but for other forms that are better understood through the research done on the many forms of blood cancer.

A kid I knew back in high school got diagnosed this year with a blood cancer (I can't remember which one).? My mom forwarded the e-mail from his mom, and one of the things she said is that with modern medicine, his cancer is treatable.? There's still no cure, but it can go into remission.? And through the research funded by the LLS, the chances that it will go into remission are so much higher.

I can't remember how I came into contact with ChristaCarol Jones.? But I can tell you that she's the reason that I'm telling you all about this organization this month.? Her two-year-old daughter is fighting cancer right now, and to help find a cure, she's participating in LLS's Light the Night Walk.? She's raising money for the 5k at the end of the month, and last time I checked, she's 62% of the way to her goal.? As you can see, the link to LLS's website is in the sidebar, but rather than donate there, please click on ChrisaCarol's like in this paragraph.? She has a widget on the top-right corner of her blog that will let you donate to her Light the Night team.? Let's see if we can get her PAST the 100% line!


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