Wednesday 5 October 2011

Buying Rental Investment ... - Chester County Real Estate Guide

The stock market is up?. no, wait, it?s down? no wait, it?s up. ..

Over the last few years, the stock market has been on a see-saw ride and if you are like a majority of American?s, your 401k or stock portfolio is not impressing you.? But where else can you put your money that creates a safer or more reliable return?? How about real estate? Despite what your gut reaction might be, the return and stability on having real estate in your investment portfolio is very favorable, especially in the Chester County market.

In Chester County we enjoy a very good employment rate, along with a diverse amount of industries finding their homes here. This creates a very stable market for renters. The Chris & Caleb team are big proponents of investing in real estate and even teach seminars and classes on it. If this is of interest to you, we?d be happy to schedule a private appointment to discuss the various strategies with you.

I recently read an article on entitled ?Cashing in on rental property?. It was a great article and I wanted to give a few local points to their article aimed at a national audience.

  • Chester County is an amazing place to own rental units. Most of the rental options available are fairly expensive communities where renters pay a premium. There are many properties available that you can purchase that will cash flow positive and be great competition for these big game rental communities.
  • Demand for rentals is going through the roof, as many people are either scared to buy or unable due to various factors. The rental market has been flooded with demand which means rental rates have headed up, but prices for purchasing real estate remain at amazing lows.
  • If you are considering investing in real estate, we have a great program to plug you into, which helps you clarify your criteria and connects you with great financing options.
  • I agree with the article 100% when it recommends you purchase properties in area?s that you can get to in 10 minutes and that you are familiar with. Do not buy a property just because it seems like it?s a ?Good Deal.

You can read the entire article on

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