Saturday 29 December 2012

Mini-Review: Black Coffee Lyrics

I first read about Black Coffee Lyrics in Jetstar Magazine while heading north to visit some family. ?It received high praise in the mag and seemed like a pretty cool place, I took the magazine with me and dug it out of my bookshelf today to check up on the name and location of what was reported to be an amazing coffee, cocktail and dining experience.

I am so glad I did. ?Read on to hear what I discovered during my evening at Black Coffee Lyrics.

Possibly the best-kept secret of the Gold Coast, Black Coffee Lyrics is a small cocktail, beer and wine bar cum restaurant situated in an unassuming arcade off Surfers Paradise Boulevard in the heart of Surfers Paradise.



Featuring a rough urban interior lit by the warm glow of incandescent bulbs in an eclectic assortment of fittings, Black Coffee Lyrics has a warm, welcoming atmosphere that is set off by the upbeat attitude of the staff.

I was seated promptly upon arrival (though a larger group ahead of me was turned away because there was no room for them ? book ahead if you?re planning on visiting with friends!) and the first thing I was asked by the staff was what I typically enjoyed drinking. ?I mentioned my preference for scotch and that I was looking forward to trying an espresso cocktail and I was instantly directed to the appropriate place in the incredibly comprehensive drinks menu ? to be perused while the bar?s scotch expert was sought out to assist me.

A quick aside ? the drinks menu here is incredible. ?A vast array of boutique beers from around the world, an incredibly comprehensive wine list and a seemingly endless array of cocktails to suit any taste. ?I can understand why the staff ask about your preference upon arrival.

In short order an extremely helpful man arrived at my table and ran me through the bar?s scotch selection. ?I decided to start with a dram of Oban 14 year old, neat, which arrived reasonably quickly and was deemed satisfactory. ?I followed that up with an Espresso Martini #3 made on the same malt.

The #3 is a unique combination of espresso coffee, a single malt Scotch or Irish whisky and a fresh citrus hit in the form of Cointreau. ?The deep flavour of the espresso with a subtle caramel note and the evident crema was pleasingly balanced by the fresh touch of citrus and the lightness of the highland scotch. ?The subtle smokiness and peatiness of the Oban whisky (something reminiscent of an Islay malt) added a bit of extra body to the cocktail and the end result was a thoroughly satisfying and complex drink that I really didn?t want to end.

While sipping my cocktail I selected the pork belly dish from the food menu. ?A warning to those with big appetites, the portion sizes here are small, but the food is an eminently pleasing culinary experience. ?The pork belly was cooked to perfection, topped with lightly pickled apples and featuring a pleasingly crisp skin. ?The balance of flavours was faultless and though I?m no great food critic I can safely say that it was the best pork belly that I have ever had the pleasure of eating. ?It melted in the mouth, the texture was ideal and the smell and taste were second to none.

I finished my #3 shortly after the pork belly and I selected a dessert and clean cocktail to finish the night. ? ?An espresso?cr?me?br?l?e and a dry Gin?Martini?with a twist seemed like a reasonable plan, so the order was placed. ?The?cr?me?br?l?e was served with a side of crushed nuts and a scoop of Baileys Irish Cream ice cream. ?The nuts were well suited to the dish and the inclusion of pistachios was welcome ? their flavour complimented the ice cream and the espresso?cr?me, while also adding texture to the dish.

Throughout my time at Black Coffee Lyrics I was discussing the finer points of drinks with the staff as demand for service ebbed and flowed and I had been recommended a Spanish gin to try. ?The recommendation was sound and I enjoyed one of the best Martinis of my life as the evening wound down. ?I can highly recommend this bar not only on the considerable strength of their food and drink, but also on the knowledge and service of their staff, who have demonstrable knowledge and experience in the world of spirits and who aim to make each visit a pleasure for the customer.

Black Coffee Lyrics is a diamond in the rough. ?Located in the most unlikely place it sets the bar (no pun intended) for fine dining and cocktail venues on the Gold Coast. ?While not a cheap night out (my evening detailed above came to $85 when all was said and done) the experience is worth every cent. ?Highly recommended.



Black Coffee Lyrics
Upstairs in Centre Arcade, Surfers Paradise Boulevard
Opposite ?Waxy?s?

I first read about Black Coffee Lyrics in Jetstar Magazine while heading north to visit some family. ?It received high praise in the mag and seemed like a pretty cool...

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Written by Dan Cowell

I'm an avid traveller and amateur photographer with aspirations of greatness. For now, I'm a computer programmer who takes off for some new corner of the world whenever the opportunity presents itself.


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