Tuesday 6 November 2012

Shedding light on Relationship Violence | Multimedia Newsroom

By Hannah Shea, Audrey Csaszar and Betty Arreola

During the month of October, organizations all over Texas came together to raise awareness to a particular situation affecting thousands of women and men all over the nation; domestic violence.

The Voices Against Violence organization at The University of Texas at Austin is is one that worked hard to heighten awareness throughout the month of October by setting up booths around The University of Texas campus as well as making sure they got the word out about domestic violence.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) was proud to welcome the Voices Against Violence team on to their website. Members of this media coalition are joining the NCADV and the general public in working to promote and campaign against domestic violence.

Kenera Colley, a sophomore at The University of Texas at Austin and a member of VAV started an organization of her own called Breaking the Silence, which encourages young women and men not only in relationships but everywhere to speak up.?I just really wanted people to be aware and know that relationship violence is something that happens on campus, it is around us every day, it?s important for people to be informed and aware, and if they see something wrong- speak out.?


Another group in Austin that helps to raise awareness about domestic violence throughout the central Texas region is Yama-Kan Kajukenbo School located off Alpine road. Tony Morell and Julia Feighner are the owners of the self-defense school and take pride in teaching young women and men to defend themselves through martial arts and self-defense classes.


History of Violence Awareness Month

According to the NCADV, ?In October 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed. That same year the first national toll-free hotline was begun.? In 1989 the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month Commemorative Legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress. Such legislation has passed every year since with NCADV providing key leadership in this effort.

The NCADV hopes that in dedicating a month to raising awareness about domestic violence and informing women and men about what the signs of domestic abuse are, they will be motivated to take a more active roll in the movement as well as be able to recognize signs themselves.

Tough Love

Dr. Toughlove is a writer for The Horn that offers advice to women and men on a variety of different topics including domestic violence and how to end a relationship. Dr. Toughlove uses a secret identity and his strategy is to use a bit of humor and satirical spin to tackle serious issues. However he takes domestic violence seriously and knows that it is important for everyone to be aware of this issue. Some of his articles include ?I Need to End It But I Don?t Know How? and ?Bad Romance.?


According to the NCADV website? ?almost one third of female homicide victims that are reported are killed by an intimate partner.? NCADV hopes that events in communities and regions across the fifty states will culminate in a powerful statement celebrating the strength of battered women and their children.

The fight for relationship violence continues as more communities and organizations rally to get more support across Texas and across the nation.

Source: http://multimedianewsroom.us/shedding-light-on-relationship-violence.htm

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