Wednesday 15 August 2012

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As to the age of 33, Louis Vuitton Outlet I still have no intention to marry, because in my heart, forever to the plum to reserve one of the most important position First to the China University of Political Science and Law extorted extorted seal, the loyal attitude is also very good, very fast for your father built chapter, written evidence Listen to the neighbor Uncle Li said, Dad since week aunt never comes back, will not go to the twisting yangko dance, every morning on time is five o?clock go downstairs, is in the area where the building before the building to walk around, encountered an acquaintance how do not love to talk Mei Zi wears two beautiful braided, smiled, the mouth will smile small little dimple In general people, we are not particularly suited, she read many books, not having seen the world, also don?t love talking Dad, still can not be reconciled, said he would work to support himself But, if so, today there is no you Watching her daughter was lying in bed, my heart suddenly a tight! Did I ever doubt it will become a reality? In fact, more than a month ago, I send my daughter to school when he found her abnormal, her frequent falls, although look from idea may be a cramp in the leg, but I still doubt her nervous system problems, has access to a number of ataxia of information He just needed someone to go with him to eat a meal, watch TV when someone told him chatting, downstairs when someone accompany him, sick, sick individuals a bowl of water Love my family side side, in a dilemma Beijing house tens of thousands, empty house also has the tens of thousands, but your father could only ? at the Housing helplessly, ? no one belongs to your father Father I hope every morning to sleep Tell you one thingI have been to other teachers ask this question, some teachers give me a call, see the school asset management department to a real number, then the account to account, may be administered in Beijing birth certificate Beautiful wife, the husband is busy After school, I secretly went to Mei home, she and her mother cried bitterly, I dared not to disturb herOn one side is the imprint is engraved on my heart How much love can be repeated, when you choose a marriage, chosen together, so please keep the hand of son, and son

Relate Article: E16 F105


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