Sunday 4 September 2011

Health and Fitness ? How Do You Get Tinnitus? Ringing of the Ears ...

If you?re asking ?How do you get tinnitus?, you are not alone. If you?re here then you probably know what tinnitus or ringing of the ears is, or you might even be suffering from it. The ear is a very complicated organ that regulates balancing in addition to the sensation of hearing. Sometimes a noise can be perceived in one?s ear even without the presence of any outside noise. The noise can be experienced as ringing, whooshing, hissing, buzzing, or other such sounds. This condition of ringing in the ears is known as tinnitus.

How do you get tinnitus? Ringing of the ears or tinnitus can happen because of different things related to our hearing mechanism. Understanding how we hear will help answer this question of how do you get tinnitus or ringing of the ears. In a nutshell, the ear is made of multiple sections which work together to give us the sense of sound. The outer ear works like a sound collector by capturing the incoming sound waves and sending them to the eardrum, which then vibrates and transmits those vibrations to the small bones that attach to the eardrum on one side and the inner ear on the other side. These bones then transmit the vibrations to the inner ear composed mainly of the cochlea, a snail-shaped organ which transforms the mechanical vibrations into electrical impulses to be sent to the brain.

Given this structure of our hearing mechanism, research shows that the common element among all the instances of ringing of the ears is that the brain gives the illusion of sound when there is no actual external sound present. How do you get tinnitus? Usually this happens because of some defect in the cochlea, which causes a sort of ?short circuit? that occurs in the inner ear that continues to send electrical impulses of sound to the brain even when there?s no physical sound present. The brain then interprets those impulses and inaccurately gives the perception of ringing of the ears.

Now that we?ve answered the ?How do you get tinnitus? question, you?re probably asking, ?Well, how do you stop it?? There are some remedies that deal with tinnitus, although results vary from person to person. Some new medicines are being developed that reduce tinnitus for certain people, like the prescription medicine Campral. There are also lipoflavonoids which help people with meniere?s disease of the inner ear to overcome ringing of the ears caused by that disease. Other forms of treatment still under research include the use of magnetic therapy to stimulate the hearing center in the brain and ?reprogram? it to filter out the sound of the tinnitus.

There are holistic methods to deal with tinnitus as well. These methods provide another option aside from drugs, surgery, magnetic stimulation, and other treatments. Although holistic methods require patience and lifestyle changes, they are much safer and can provide better results than invasive options or medications. When you were asking the question ?How do you get tinnitus?, you probably didn?t think that your diet played a factor in the occurrence and intensity of tinnitus, but it does.?Holistic methods for tinnitus treatment?include dietary changes away from foods that increase ringing of the ears, health and exercise tips to keep the body healthy, among other factors.


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